MarketDomination Facebook Aggressive Scaling Strategy


This strategy is designed to reach a wider market quickly so can capture as many impulsive purchases as possible in the shortest time period. This is not an ideal strategy for limited inventory or limited market-size products and offers.

Disclaimer: The success rate of this strategy depends on many factors: Offer, Market Size, AD account quality, Page score, Historial product CPP, Etc.

Adjust the strategy a little bit according to the country you are targeting to get the best result. 

How you access the Strategy: 

1. Click on order now

2. You will be redirected to the checkout page (It's free; you will not get charged, don't worry.)

3. After placing the order, you will receive an email with the link to access the strategy PDF.

4. After reading, do implement it.

5. Come back here again and leave a review below if you like it.

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